Sunday, December 9, 2012

My Supports!

Support! I am a very self reliant person and do not expect support and rearly ask for it. That does not mean that I do not get it. Support is being there when needed even when it is not asked of. Support can be financial, confidence and emotional.  I get emotional support from my small group at church. We tend to be a support system for each other. I know that IF and WHEN I do need help they will be there.  I also get emotional and confidence support for my two closest friends. I am there for them also. It is not a matter of  "I am here for you" but an " I will be there in 5 minutes" kind of support. Financial support is well my job, that supports me and my children. Even though I am a self supporting system, having someone there to touch my shoulder and say "It will be OK" I will be needing much emotional support in the next coming days, weeks, months and year. A person who is second to my heart is going to Afghanistan for 6 months to a year. I am not happy, but wil SUPPORT what he feels he needs to do. Everyone needs support, no matter what kind it is. There is no one person who can be totally alone. I also recieved support form family and friends when I was finishing my degree. I was working full time, home schooling my 16 year old and going to school full time. I beame my biggest support telling myself " I can do it"