Sunday, January 13, 2013

Establishing Professional Contacts and Expanding resources

For part one of this assignment I emailed about 25 different people and have not heard back from anyone. I did email several more on Friday, so I am hoping that come Monday maybe one will respond. I was however to get in contact with one person from MedellĂ­n, Antioquia. I have a coworker from Columbia and she put me in contact with him. Who would have thought this was going to be such a difficult task? As for part 2, I have chosen two. The Children's Defense Fund and the Comal County Child Advocacy Center. I chose both of these resources because I was an abused child and no one spoke up for me, so i am here to ive a voice to the children with no voices.


  1. It's great that you were able to contact someone through a coworker. If you have another coworker that can help, could you have them send me an email Thanks

  2. I sure will, Thats waht we are here for!!! One of our other group members may have several conacts as well. Hopefully before we have to use them we will get this fgured out

  3. Great that you made at least one contact!

  4. Stacey-
    I liked that you picked websites out that had a deep personal meaning to you. It is nice that you are going to use the bad that happened to you to help other children. Every child needs a voice!

