Saturday, February 9, 2013

International Contacts-Part 2

Week5 Assign2 S Brieden

I have found that the people of Medellin are very proud, both the rich and to poor.  Many people in Medellin are poor. There is a very small area where there are wealthy people.  Juan informed me that he knew a family that left their home to go to the market and came back and her house was wiped away.

Here is a picture of the middle of the city I googled. I am working on having Jaun send me one that is more recent to me through Facebook.  When I get it, I will post it.

 Medellin, in August has a Feria de las Flores or Flower Festival. . Juan says that this is the one time that Medellin comes together.


Juan gave me a website where I learned the Medellin has of 30 Universities.  There are many programs in place to help educate the poor. Some of the programs are:

1.       Program: Nobody Is Out  Purpose

2.       Childhood Education

3.       Educative Benefits for Access and Permanence

4.       Public Service for Everyone and Respect for Diversity

There are also program to get more people able to go to college


  1. The pictures are a great touch, thank you for sharing them!

  2. It is wonderful that you have made an international connection! I really enjoyed the pictures and it adds great insight about the area you speak of.

  3. It's awesome that you were able to get in contact with someone out side the US my sources failed. Love the picture of the children pushing the wheel barrels filled with follows. I love to see children involved in a festival.

  4. Nina, there is a day that is dedicated to the children.

  5. Thank you for sharing pictures. I have never heard of Medellin.I would like to learn more.

  6. I have never heard of Medellin as well, and I am excited to learn through your post throughout this course. The resources that you have listed above seems to be a great alternative for families to access help educate the poor or less advantage. I enjoy knowing that the disadvantage is receiving good from sources to help improve their quality of life.

    "If you light a lamp for somebody, it will also brighten your path."
